Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Good Times, Good People! Joe's Valley 09/28/2013

We met Dane in Joe's Valley this past weekend. We look forward to any trip that we all can meet together like the good ol' days.  We always pick right up where we left off. Friendships like that are priceless. He brought his girlfriend Melissa and a few friends down with him this time.  Melissa got an awesome new van that we were SO jealous of! I wish I got pictures of it! 
Emily, Farmer and Trent drove down with us. Laura, Stephan, Ryan & Sara met us down there as well. 

It was an awesome trip! 

Classic Dane Face

"Frosted Flakes" V5
I didn't post pictures of everyone but everyone tried this problem. It was really cold that morning and we could barely feel our fingers until the sun came up. Stephan, Bryce, Dane, Chandler, & Farmer all sent this. Cool problem!

We wanted to go look at 'Fiery Furnace" V10 and Bryce tried that a few times while we all worked "Pilot Light" V6 which was on the same boulder.  It was super crimpy. Bryce sent it and the rest of us worked on it until our fingers hurt. I decided to give it one last try and was able to get a high toe and sent it! I was soooo happy! I almost jumped down because it was a high slopey & techy top out. But when I looked down at everyone they had a look in their eyes that said "DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF COMING DOWN!" I sat at the lip for what felt like a lifetime but finally beach-whaled my way on top of the boulder. Everyone was so supportive! I am stoked!

Mother Mary aka Classic Farmer

Then we went to "The Wind Below" V7 Highball
Dane & Chander sent it. It was so awesome and high!!!!
Too high for me! So me and Laura took pictures! :) Look at her cute panda bear phone case. Also she has one of the prettiest smiles I've ever seen!

Huge move for Farmer!

Bryce's new project "Worm Turns" V11

Went and checked out a new boulder at the Oil Pump area. Trent flashed the V4 and "Spruce" V6! Sara got sooooo close! Bryce, Dane, Ryan and Chandler also sent it.

 Em did awesome! I couldn't even get the first move!

"Minute Man" V6
Chandler, Bryce, Ryan and Sara sent this! So sick! Em & Farmer are so close! Dane got to the top and fell. That's where his trip ended. He got a gnarly flapper! OUCH! They had to go home after this. :(

Mother Ship Twins!!!
Trent got a van! Van-Clan unite!

At the end of our trip, Bryce disappeared. We had no idea where he went hiking to. We waited and he came back super excited! He was wandering around and thought he heard a deer. It was actually a climber who was on 2 new boulders we had never seen or heard of! Bryce said it wasn't far, just up the hill. He lied! We hiked to the top of the mountain! But it was worth it! Two BEAUTIFUL boulders! Most problems looked about V10. Bryce & Ryan worked a few of them and sent one they thought was around a 6 or 7. Super excited to go back and watch them on these. I can't get over how beautiful these boulders were!

Fall time is the best!

Cool pictures of our headlamp trails at night.

Perfect Trip!

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