Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Festivas For the Rest of Us 2013

Since we were out of town for Thanksgiving, we decided to have a Christmas party with our friends this year.  
As we reach the end of 2013 I can honestly say that this is the happiest I have ever been in my life. A big part of that happiness is due to the people surrounding me.  I have never felt so much love and gratitude for true friends than I do now. Bryce and I are so blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people.  It was so wonderful to be able to gather everyone together and celebrate a good year, good food, and great long lasting friendships! 

This picture doesn't do justice of how much food we had. I have never cooked so much in my life! Two turkeys, ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, and a ton of appetizers and desserts! 

So good to see so many friends from out of town. Dane, Kevin, Allie, Trent, Crystal, Laura, and my cousin Matthew were all visiting for the Holidays! 

These two cutie pies.....

Stephanie and Josh were seriously meant to be! They are hilarious! Love them!

I hadn't seen these girls in forever! So good to catch up.

White elephant gifts were so funny!

Allies face is priceless!