We spent the weekend before Halloween in Little Cottonwood for the last time before the snow fell. We spend the weekend after Halloween in Joes. We have been trying to climb outside as much as possible before winter. Not to mention we are going to Bishop in two weeks so we need to train!
The weekend before Halloween we went up to Little Cottonwood Canyon. White Pine is an area higher up the canyon so the we had limited time to climb there before the snow hit. I REALLY wanted to try this cool cave problem called "Party Pit Cave" V6. I woke Bryce up at 6:45 AM because I was SO excited. I was confident because I worked all the moves and just needed to piece it together. Emily came with us to support me. She had sent it the night before and did awesome!!! Silly Em! She was originally hesitant because she said that Little Cottonwood problems were way hard so she doubted she would get close on the a LCC V6. She crushed it like it was nothing!
We got to the warm up area and we couldn't even feel our fingers! We were so cold! Bryce had no socks on and was wearing sandles as usual. I apologized to everyone for making them come so early. haha We hiked up to the problem and Emily repeated it. I tried and gave it all I had but kept falling off the very last move! Its a big move from inside the cave to the outside of the lip. I was getting so frustrated I almost began to cry. I have never been so disappointed in myself. I thought for sure I had it but all I ended up with was a bloody flapper. No send! I was heartbroken walking back to the car knowing the snow was about to cover the problem. Bryce tried a problem called "Citizen Dildo" V9 on our way down. He was only one move away as well. Together we walked back to our car sulking from failure. The next day we ate as much fattening food as we could possibly consume to try and feel better. haha Then I realized I needed to snap out of my pitty-party and use my failure for motivation. I allowed myself to get so frustrated that I took all the fun out of climbing. I had to remind myself that I do not climb to send. I climb because it brings me joy, keeps me healthy, surrounds me with wonderful people! I ordered a book called "Rock Warriors Way" to help me with the mental training of climbing and I will continue to train physically. I can't wait to go back next spring and have FUN working "Party Pit". I learned a lot about having to accept failure. Progress takes patience and practice.
The weekend after Halloween we went to Joes. My friend Natalie Cooper had only been once and that was 2 years ago. The time she went, she broke her ankle! I was so excited for her to come. We went up to Dairy Canyon first so that Bryce could work his project called "Lactation Station" V10. When we first got there it was empty but a huge crowd of people showed up right when we finished warming up. Bryce worked that but couldn't get the send. Everyone else worked "Vertical Ice" V6. I still don't know how I managed to pull that one off! The top out is scary! Then we all went to "Kill By Number" V5. This has been my nemesis for the last few trips. I didn't even think I would get close but I ended up sending it! A pretty desperate send, but I got it! I was pretty stoked! Lance and Joey met up with us and Lance sent it as well. Such an awesome problem! At the end of the day everyone went to New Joes. Bryce wanted to go back to Dairy and try "Lactation Station" one last time. Bryce and I went back up by ourselves and he got it! Such a happy moment!!! I think I was more excited then Bryce! Bryce and I both went home happy after sending our projects. Made up for weeks and weeks of getting shut down!
I didn't realize it but I agree, a lot of times we get so caught up with sending we forget to enjoy it and have fun! So fun to read your blog! Love you xxx